WAM (The Womens Art Movement)
Representations of Identity
First Exhibition
Si vas a viajar a Londres este verano, quizás te interese visitar la exposición "'Representations of Identity - Representaciones de la Identidad-, que muestra la obra colectiva de un grupo de mujeres artistas, el Women's Art Movement -WAM-.
Como supongo que si has entrado en este blog sabes algo de inglés -...y si no ponte las pilas...- me ahorro el trabajo de traducir la información, que está clara y parece interesante.
Una excusa para conocer la zona de Islington, visitar la prisión de Holloway... y salirte de lo de siempre:
WAM (The Women's Art Movement) will present an exhibition titled 'Representations of Identity' by a group of up and coming female artists.
The art work approaches the subject of identity, how emotions, reflections of the inner self can act and react as if actively recalled from time to time but also how flawed that representation can sometimes appear be.
The fine art exhibition with all of its expressions reveal a brand new world of creative women. These works of art stand out with different voices, charged with personal moments as isolated events and can evoke real emotions in their very fictional construction and conscious existence. WAM inspired by female artists who want to expose their art work in the public arena.
The Exhibition will be From 8th August-5th September 2008